hintimage swing heroin    


Here you can read some examples of my feature writing work. These stories were originally published (about 10 years ago, now) for the company broadbandnow!, a broadband cable modem ISP when cable modems were first available and not many people knew what broadband was. The company's no longer around, but cable modems and broadband sure are!

These stories were fun to produce. No longer was a story simply a whole bunch of words on a page with maybe a few pictures. The content could now include links to other pertinent information, audio clips, video clips. For instance, if you had no idea what swing dancing was, there was a video of the dancing and sound clips of the bands just a click away.

We're all used to this kind of thing now, but at the time, it was way cool!

This is obviously not what the actual interface looked like. I've included just a few of the original images for the stories created by our art director but, so far, I have not included any of the actual broadband content, such as the audio or video. Please check back because I will upload them soon. Until then, if you have no idea what swing music is, just google it. Google wasn't around then, either. Also, most of the original external links are no longer live, but I left them there anyway so you can see what used to be a (working) link.